Do you drive a diesel-powered or gasoline-powered car that was registered for the first time on July 1st, 2009 or later and want to know more about the vehicle tax applied in Germany? Here, you can find out the amount of your annual vehicle tax quickly and free of charge.
Vehicle tax for vehicles that were or will be registered for the first time on September 1st, 2018 or later is calculated on the basis of the WLTP-CO₂-value. Please note that until the amendment of the Passenger-Car-EnVKV we and other vehicle suppliers are obliged to state consumption and emission values according to the old NEFZ-measurement-procedure. The amendment of the Passenger-Car-EnVKV is expected in 2019.
If you want to calculate the vehicle tax for a vehicle that was first registered before September 1st, 2018, please use the NEFZ-CO₂-value, which you will find in the ads. If the vehicle was first registered on September 1st, 2018 or later, please first ask your dealer for the WLTP-CO₂-value.
The vehicle tax amount stated for vehicles on our website already takes this change into account, even if we do not explicitly state the WLTP-CO₂-value.
- Select the time period of first registration.
- Specify fuel.
- Enter engine capacity and CO₂ emissions.